Noah says "Dada"... he has said "Mama" a few times...and I think he is trying to say "hat" but it comes out "at."
Baby boy sleeps like a champ! He usually doesn't even cry when I put him down for naps (except for right this minute of course).
He LOVES puppies and babies... but who doesn't really?
He is eating oatmeal, blueberries, bananas, nectarines, chicken, peaches, cottage cheese, yogurt and starting to pick up finger foods.
He Claps!!
Noah is just shy of 16 pounds.
He really loves his Daddy. He always screams and squeals when Chris gets home. Sometimes I put the phone up to his ear and he stops... stares... then starts smiling when Daddy talks.
I think there are lots more things I could update on, but time is limited! Life is good in the Buczinski house these days. Noah is a pretty easy baby who brings us lots of joy. We can really see his personality developing... pretty easy going, but a little bit of a wild streak.
I love cottage cheese! And I sleep like a champ too!! Twinsies!!!