Sunday, February 21, 2010

Baby Musings and Grumblings...

Well, I obviously haven't been very good at posting on here. The excitement about pregnancy quickly turned to constant nausea and I can hardly stand it. As I type Chris is driving around the west bank looking for something that I might want to eat. I just feel so awful! I cry a lot right now... mostly about feeling sick. I'm trying to find joy in the Lord and to be thankful for this time in life, but it's been a lot more difficult than I would have thought.

Lord willing, we are moving to a two bedroom place in a few weeks. There's still some issues that we have to pan out with the apartment we are in, but it looks like we'll be packing up pretty soon. I'm so excited about having more space and actually having a bedroom! It's super cute and it's right in the price range we were hoping for. I'm very thankful that there will be a missions team from TMC here during that time to help us move so I won't have to do too much on my own. It's just so hard to do things right now!

Some baby things I've been thinking about...
1. Should we vaccinate our baby?? Should we wait until they are older?
2. Talking about baby names a lot a week ago and now not so much
3. Throwing around the idea of putting red, gold and brown in the baby room. I decided I'm not into pink and blue for a room...or a baby theme at all.
4. Thinking about finding a used day bed and a trundle for the baby room for guests!
5. I won't have to go to the restaurant to work anymore!!!!!!!!
6. How on earth do I decide what things to register for???
7. Will baby sleep in our bed? for how long?
8. Setting aside 30 bucks a month for cloth diapers so I can have my dream and use Fuzzybuns.
9. How will I ever get through birth naturally??

Now mothers, I know it might be tempting to say, "Baby in the bed!! The nerve." or "CLOTH DIAPERS?? So naive." But refrain for now because I am in a fragile state. Though I would love to hear thoughts on some of those things.

Also, I've been having super weird dreams lately. Lots of dreams about my midwife who I haven't met yet. Last night in my dream her office manager chewed me out and last week I dreamt that I went to my first appointment in the grocery store and she was just awful. I just took a nap and dreamt that Martha Stewart went to my Bible Study and I was trying to find a way to ask her to do my baby shower. Then I woke up and was so excited that I have a mom and mom-like friends that seriously know how to throw amazing showers!!! Can't wait until August!


  1. I could comment on your entire list!! :) but I won't, unless you want me to...
    cloth diapers? go for it, but remain open. :) natural birth? go for it, but remain open, you're not less of a woman or mother, if it's just not panning out. Baby in the bed, my take is, at the beginning it gets your more sleep, get a whole bunch of those rubber/cloth mats to use so that way if baby leaks, you aren't changing your entire bed. ALSO I'm super excited because I got a co sleeper from amazon that will be perfect for us because I like being able to pop the paci in or pat the baby back to sleep and not worry about smothering her. i wouldn't keep the baby in the bed past 2-3 months, in my opinion. they raised the price on this recently which stinks!!! i got it for 35 free ship.

  2. I hope you feel better too!! it is hard, so very hard, feeling gross, and needing to eat and only weird random or nothing sounds good. hang in there, you don't have to like it, but God will give you the grace and it will pass, each day is a one day less of grossness. have you tried those motion sickness wrist bands? it just a pressure point thing.
    I'm glad to hear you have help moving, that would SUCK while sick.

  3. I love your blog! I just stumbled across it and I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts. Congrats on your pregnancy!! We just had our little girl 1 month ago and it totally changes everything!
    I'll tell ya, I hated being pregnant. I'll pray it's not like that for you, but if it is it is incredible to see the grace God gives when you're sick, emotional and fat :)
    I know exactly what you mean about the "no commenting" about the things your thinking through. I always just wanted to think outloud when I blogged during our pregnancy but everyone wants to give their opinion. It's amazing how most moms think they are experts on everything :)
    I'll be praying for you as you think through these various things and as you guys decide what's best for your family.
    It's great to hear how you are doing! I wish I had taken advantage of the time when you were my RA. Take care!
    Susi Zimmer Johnson

  4. susi! how funny is this. I literally just clicked off of your facebook where I was reading your one month thoughts about Penny. I love it. I keep looking at your thoughts on your baby girl to remember that the morning sickness will be over and it will all be worth it. Congrats to you guys!

  5. Ufda. Hang in there girl. I know entirely too well (it's still fresh in my mind) all the sickness you're feeling. It's pretty amazing how something so little can make you feel SO miserable, huh?

    Anyway - I agree with Audrey on the co-sleeper - if (yeah right...) we ever have another I think I may actually invest in a co-sleeper and sell my regular pack 'n play. It's basically like having them in bed with you, but you're just not small enough to fit in there to smoosh them when you are in your deep sleep! Often they have them at the 2nd-hand baby stores for around $80!

    As far as vaccines - just do your research and do what you think is right. We choose to delay them for our kids...for various reasons I won't get into in your fragile state :-)

    Take care - tell Chris hey from the Yoder clan!
