Thursday, December 27, 2012

Celebrating the Holidays with Family

Two things...

First, I finally got rid of my Facebook account...maybe just for a little while or maybe forever. I haven't quite decided. I have weighed the pros and cons for many years and the pros always won out, but I had a moment last week where it all seemed so clear that I needed to get rid of Facebook. I got rid of it for probably the same reasons you (my one or two readers) may have considered getting rid of it yourself. I need to find a better, less distracting way to update my friends and family on our life and let them see how our little boys are growing. Sooo, I'm going to really, really, very much try to keep this blog as updated as possible!

Second, we had a wonderful time with family over the holidays! We spent four days with my family in Frazier Park over Thanksgiving and it was super relaxing and fun to watch the kids play for hours. In between Thanksgiving and Christmas I decorated our apartment for Christmas, had some folks from our new Bible study over a couple times, and just hung out mostly. For Christmas Mike and Debbie came to CA and we kept them very busy. We went to the Grace Church Christmas concert, went to Love Sushi (and roll) and looked at Christmas lights, took them to Chik Fil A, etc. Then we spent a few days with my family in Frazier Park.

This year we did a gift exchange among the adults where we drew a name and a letter and we had to get them a gift that started with that letter and was under $10. It was SO fun! I got my mom and I was able to get her Encouragement (a note from me), Exfoliate (a homemade coffee sugar scrub), Enjoy (a carmel eclair from Porto's), Example (Biographical sermons on missionaries), Entertainment (two tickets to the movie theater) and Energy (some Peet's coffee)...all for under the $10. Debbie got me and she got me a Magazine subscription, Magnets, Memo pads, a Map and Mints. It was so fun to see what everyone came up with and I'm loving using the homemade part of my gifts.

Next time I blog I will try my hardest to post some photos!

1 comment:

  1. ugh yes facebook, such a horrible grip that wretched social media has...I am impressed you pryed it's boney fingers off of you, inspiring. :)
