Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A quick post

I just had to post a quick little update because Noah is saying the sweetest things lately and I don't want to forget it!

Yesterday I was feeding Jonathan and Noah came up and said, "Want to feed the baby..." as he lifted up his shirt. So funny!

Noah was standing in his highchair looking at Jonathan saying, "I wuv you baby Jonathan."

We spent time with Noah's cousins this weekend and since we got back he's been yelling across the house, "Auntie Becky!"

When Noah wakes up, he stumbles out of his room and says, "Where Daddy go? Where Baby Jonathan go?"

Some things we hear often:

"Help doing! Help doing! Help doing please!" if he loses a truck or gets stuck somewhere.
"Naked boy!" as he runs around the house naked.
"Whooooaaaa, big truck coming!"
"Mom, mom, mommy, momma, mom. Big truck."
"Loud noise." When I bring out the blender.
"Help Mommy."

If he gets into something he isn't allowed to touch and I tell him not to touch it, he looks at me very seriously and says, "That's Mommy's."

When we walk in the parking garage, I hear him whisper, "Careful, cars coming."

If I ask him what the Bible says, "Obey Mommy. Obey Daddy."

And lately if he doesn't want to do something I can coerce him by dinosaur-ing that thing. For instance, "Noah, take a big dinosaur bite," or "Okay, now stand on that dinosaur rug for a while," or "Let Mommy brush the dinosaurs out of your teeth." It's a wonderful trick.

Jonathan mostly just snuggles, eats, sleeps, and looks cute. He is starting to make more cooing noises and smile lots more. I just love everything he does.

1 comment:

  1. Becky, It's so wonderful to stop by here and read a bit about you guys. We miss you all so much. Andrew is personally going through major Noah withdraw- Jackson is different without you here but we're praying for you guys and excited to hear about how you are and what you are learning! Much love, The Bishops
