My handsome Noah is already SIX MONTHS old! I get a lump in my throat when I think about what a wonderful family God has given me. Three years ago I would never have imagined the life that God had planned for Chris and I. Noah is such a huge blessing to us.
Here are some random updates...
I started picking up shifts waiting tables at Sidewinders again and it is SOOO fun for Daddy and Noah to have time together!
Noah has eaten sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peaches, green beans, bananas and a little bit of avocado. I think he likes the sweet potatoes and squash the best.
Last Sunday he stayed in the nursery the WHOLE time and only cried for the last 10 minutes!
He is still sleeping a straight 12 hours every night. He is down to two naps a day now.
He's a string bean... tall and skinny!
He is laughing lots and lots these days. He loves to fly around the house with Dad. He loves kisses all over his face. He likes when Mom sings silly songs.
Once again, we are just so thankful and amazed at this gift from God! Noah is a joy. The Lord has used him so much to grow me as a person. I have learned to be more flexible, more patient, and more selfless...lessons that I'm sure will continue!